Durham Development Watchlist - September 2020
I thought it was time for another development watchlist, even though not much has come up over the past few months. As a result, this is a short one.
A. Mangum Condos - 521 N Mangum St
18 unit condo building right next to Mangum Flats. Thanks to forum contributor elevatoroperator who found the new website and rendering for "Array" Condos: https://firstlook.arraydurham.com/
B. Six Townhome Project - 608 N Mangum St
6 new townhomes proposed for the original Saltbox site, which likely means the end of that wonderful old shack. They still have their Rockwood location, but that original Saltbox has been a cool place over the years.
C. Market Rate Micro Units - 212 & 218 North Dillard St
Update: I did not write down my source for this and can't find it, so take it with a grain of salt. I do know that I copied and pasted "Market rate micro units" from somewhere.
Side Note: Temperature Screening Buildings
Both Cree and Wolfspeed have applied to permit temperature screening structures at their offices. This may signal the very start of built environment changes due to COVID.