Where Are the Street Reflectors? (Grab Bag)

Today, I have a light post - just a couple of thoughts and questions about Durham!

In Case You Missed It

Durham is going to be experimenting with four low-cost methods for encouraging people use modes of transportation OTHER than cars.

I reached out to ask what those four methods might be. Apparently, they are developing those methods now and not ready to announce them. If the experiment goes well, Durham may be eligible for a lot more funding!
  • Durham is currently one of 35 cities that will receive up to $100k to test these ideas
  • In October, four of these cities will be chosen to receive a $1 million grant
  • One of those cities will receive the "Grand Prize" - a $5 million grant!

Burning Question of the Week

Do you ever look around Durham and notice something that makes you raise an eyebrow? Recently, I have wondered:

Why don't Durham streets have reflectors (either between the yellow lines or along the outside white lines)?

I don't see them on major roads or on back roads. From my experience, reflectors can create safer driving environments, allowing for visibility of the road in addition to street lights or in places where there aren't street lights. If there is an easy answer, let me know in the comments below. If everyone else is stumped as well, I may look into this further.

Topics for the Blog

Thanks to the r/BullCity subreddit! Quite a few people responded when I asked what type of content should be covered on Building Bull City.

Thoughts Included:
  • More interest in walkability and bikeability in Durham
  • Affordable housing (of course, this is a huge topic in Durham politics and policy right now)
  • What will Durham do with unused plots of land that it owns?
  • Downtown parking
  • Incorporating a bit of history in the posts - what buildings existed prior to some of these new developments?
If you have any more ideas for the direction of the blog, we are in the early stages here! Just like Durham, the blog has the opportunity to morph and change into something interesting for people who live here!

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